Spare Parts

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CPR chart for swimming pools and spa. Compliant to Australian Standards and Regulations.

SKU: 990901 Categories: ,

CPR chart for swimming pools and spa. Compliant to Australian Standards and Regulations.

According to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, swimming pool areas must display:

  • a compliant CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) sign.
  • a warning sign during construction.
CPR signs

You must have a compliant CPR sign prominently displayed if you:

  • Have a pool
  • Are selling or leasing (renting) a property with a pool

The compliant CPR sign must:

  • Show how to correctly perform CPR.
  • Be attached to the safety barrier of the pool, or displayed near the pool, so that the sign is easily visible to a person near the pool.
  • Be at least 300mm by 300mm in size
  • Be made of durable and weatherproof material
  • Include a prominent statement explaining how to act in an emergency (e.g. call Triple Zero, stay with the injured person, provide first aid).

Source: Queensland Building and Construction Commission